Photo by Avel Chuklanov on Unsplash
Reading: Matthew 6,10
Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
Reflection: There are people who choose to live in the Great Story that God has been telling since the beginning of the world. They leave this world to enter into the Great Story that continues in Heaven, which has no end. There are also those who live in their small stories. Their small story dies with them, and they die in their small stories. And that is the end. Of course, there’s a catch. There’s always a catch. For those who live in the small story, the main role is guaranteed. They are the main characters, and the story revolves around them. Those who want to live in the Great Story must give up the main role. In that story, there is only one main role, and it is reserved for the One who holds the whole story in His hand.
When I heard the Great Story, I realized that this was the story I wanted to live in. For me, it became the only story that made sense to invest my life in. The part about the division of roles is a little more complicated. Few are those who do not want to play the main role. Most of us try to be part of the Great Story, but in the main role. Our ego diligently does its job. An inner struggle takes place within us – an inner “Game of Thrones.” Our ego storms the throne, and the throne is reserved for one King.
Once again, I would say: I cannot help but feel that the text of the Lord’s Prayer has an important goal of putting things in their proper place, and thus placing the King on this throne.
The question for today is: Is my ego bigger than the Great Story? Am I willing to submit my will to the King, or am I willing to sell my place in the Great Story for a leading role? Am I afraid to admit that everything does not revolve around me?
A few days ago, I witnessed an event that I am sure is part of history. I had no role in that event. With me or without me, everything would have been exactly the same. And I was so happy. I felt so privileged because I was present on the scene, because I was part of something so much bigger than me. I am sure that the wonderful feeling that overwhelmed me will never be forgotten.
Prayer: Heavenly Father, help us to submit our will to Yours. Enlighten us to understand that we can be happy, fulfilled, and satisfied even when everything does not revolve around us. I pray that You help us to understand that there is a story that is greater than everything, much greater than our small lives. Remind us that You paid a huge price for us, and that the greatness of Your story does not make us worthless. Let Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Amen.
Translated from the Bosnian language by ChatGPT Feb 13 Version