Do you need rest?

In these fast-paced times there is a deep-down need in us to experience real rest. When running a long-distance race, refreshment is vitally important. The stations with water, fruit and gels are what help the runners finish the race.

In Matthew’s gospel Jesus invites us to come to him for rest and to be refreshed: “Come to me”, he said “all of you who are weary and burdened, and I will refresh you”. In our lives we are burdened with problems and worries yet Jesus calls us to something greater – to rest. But what is rest – real rest?

We can create space for rest in three ways:

  1. By talking – and listening to God. As we read the gospels, we see that Jesus often went alone to quiet places to rest, pray and connect with his heavenly Father. Whether you drive, go for a walk or spend time with the people around you, stop and talk to God during the day.
  2. By planning your rest time. Rest does not happen by accident; it must be prioritized. Plan a time of peace and rest every day and make sure those closest to you know when it is. This will help you stay accountable when the world tries to in things that would distract you.
  3. By practicing sabbath-day rest (Shabbat). From the beginning God instituted rest and he calls us to make it a part of the rhythm of our lives. This idea of purposefully planning the day with God and enjoying his presence is called Shabbat. Through this we remember that God loves us not because of what we do, but because of who he is. When was the last time you really rested in God’s presence?
Posted in devotionals.