Proverbs 19:2

Enthusiasm without knowledge is no good; haste makes mistakes.

"Hasty feet lose the head," - my grandmother used to tell me. Once I was in such a hurry to get to the train station in Stockholm on time that I arrived too early and therefore got on the wrong train on the right platform. Fortunately, I didn't lose my head, I ended up going in the wrong direction and got a funny story to tell my grandchildren.

David's nephew Asahel lost his head because of his zeal and haste. Without need and without orders, he ran after the battle after Saul's general Abner with the intention of killing him. Abner, an experienced fighter, was telling Asahel to stop chasing him. As the latter did not give up, Abner made a cunning move and gave him a fatal blow with the blunt side of the spear.

Zeal without prudence speaks of a lack of faith in God, in his ways, plans, and timing. In a hurry, to take matters into one's own hands speaks of not understanding the one who is eternal, who does not change, for whom one day is like a thousand years, and who patiently bears us because he does not want anyone to perish but for all to know the truth and salvation.

As we begin this year, can we trust God to guide everything with his sure hand and that his plan is perfect for us and for those who are dearest to us.

Lord, thank you for constantly working in this world and in my life. Help me to trust you this year more than until now and thus experience your action in me and through me.

Posted in Daily devotionals.