Proverbs 31:3

Do not spend your strength on women, your vigour on those who ruin kings.

The last month we have read selections of King Solomon’s wisdom.  Yet it is not good enough just to read, write or speak Proverbs.  These final verses provide a somber warning for us – Solomon did not practice what he preached! He was ruined by his love of women.

In what areas of your life do you feel tired?  Where did you last ‘spend your strength’?  Who is taking your energy and your attention away from God?  What is preventing you to put these proverbs into practice?

Life in this world is demanding.  Jesus commands us to rest, even in the midst of stress and upheaval.  Resting involves choosing to submit our problems and worries to Him.

The theologian Walter Bruegemann defines sabbath as, “the refusal to let one’s life be defined by production, consumption and the endless pursuit of private well-being.”

When did you last stop and just be?

Take some time today to thank God for His wisdom, for what He has revealed to you this last month.  Maybe there are things you know you need to change, unhealthy habits you need to overcome, truths you need to start believing.  Before you rush into action, measuring your religion, spend some time resting in God.

“My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”  (2 Corinthians 12:9)

Posted in Daily devotionals.