For 50 long years 2 ladies, Stana and Mara faithfully prayed for a church in Capljina. Toward the end of the 1980s, in the house of Andrija and Marica Vego in Struge (a village just outside Capljina), God began His work. Through prayer meetings and bible studies a few believers started gathering to worship and a living church started to grow.
In the late 1990s the Lord led Bernard and Nada Mikulic to Capljina from Mostar to lead and pastor the congregation there and to build a church building.
The believers continued meeting in Struge until 2004 when, to the glory of God, the church building opened in Capljina.
The church grew with the vision to: Lead people to meet Jesus Christ.
For a number of years, believers from the surrounding towns of Grude, Trebinje and Ploce attended the church, which contributed to the spreading of the Good News.
Today, the church continues with the same vision and there are several core activites: Intercessory prayer, bible studies, Sunday services, times of prayer and worship for all God has done and all that He is.
The church attempts to be salt and light in the town and to spread the hope of the Good News of Jesus through outreach such as women’s meetings, work with young people in the community and humanitarian help.
Alongside a small library of Christian literature, there are also free books by world famous Christian authors, many evangelistic in their content. This also includes bibles in both Latin and Cyrillic.
Tina Ujevića br. 12
Worship meeting: Sunday 10:00 a.m.
Prayer meeting: Tuesday 6:00 p.m.
Bible study: Thursday 6:00 p.m.